Our Recovery Destination in Baja California Sur

Welcome to After the Storm, where we have designed a transformative, month-long rehabilitation program. Our mission is to heal the pain, shame, and stigma around addiction by creating a safe space to rediscover your inherent worth where you are genuinely seen, heard, and understood. By coming to our facility, our clients are removed from the challenges and triggers that surround them in their home environment. Here, they can focus on doing the healing and transformational work that is designed to establish changes that they can carry forward upon their return home.


Our Philosophy on the Root Cause of Addiction

We view addiction as an attempt to cope with suffering. We reject a traditional, judgmental viewpoint of moral failing and instead embrace the belief that each client is a unique individual who has been dealing with pain in the best way they know how.  Addressing problematic substance use is a complex issue that requires compassion and understanding.

Our Commitment to Your Recovery

We believe that the client is the only person qualified to determine whether their substance use is problematic. Therefore, we actively involve and consult our clients in the development of their treatment plan with a focus that resonates most effectively with them.

How Customized is the Treatment Program?

Every person's recovery journey is unique and deserves personalized attention. Our counselors work hand-in-hand with each client, ensuring their individual needs are accounted for in their recovery plans within a nurturing and controlled environment. With a 24-hour timetable carefully designed to optimize conditions for recovery, our clients are supported by consistent structure and around-the-clock care.

Among the key values at After the Storm are compassion and understanding, and this means acknowledging and supporting each client’s unique values, ideas, and goals, and how these might manifest in day-to-day programming.

While consistency is important and there is a base program all clients are asked to be able to adhere to, one of our goals is to listen to each client and hear their needs so we can discuss with them the appropriateness of their participation in activities.

Further, of the many topics we aim to discuss with clients, we ask clients to choose the topics most relevant and impactful to them to create the most robust base for their recovery.

Our treatment center ensures an intimate and supportive atmosphere.  Our evidence-based programming draws upon attachment theory and a compassionate, client-centered approach. In this peaceful environment, clients can engage in treatment, find solace within a supportive community, and embark on a profound introspective journey of healing and rejuvenation.

Treating the Entire Person

Our treatment program encompasses a holistic approach to recovery, recognizing that therapeutic activities are just one aspect of a comprehensive approach to care. We understand that true healing goes beyond therapy alone, and therefore, we embrace a holistic perspective that encompasses various facets of recovery. Alongside evidence-based therapeutic activities, we encourage our clients to explore practices that nurture their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Contact Us for More Information

Call us, or fill out the below form to learn more about starting on a journey of healing, growth, and empowerment at After the Storm.  Together, we can overcome the storms of addiction and emerge into a brighter, healthier future.


Our Comprehensive Program

Embrace a Brighter Tomorrow:

Contact Form

After the Storm is currently accepting scholarship applications for up to 30% off treatment, apply here.

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