Successful Integration & Transition Planning

Use our 4C Framework™ to create a system for a balanced and sustainable lifestyle

Your System for Stability 

Our 4C Framework™ program is a mental health development solution focused on integration and transition planning. Engineered by specialists in the realms of addiction, the program was originally designed to address the global epidemic of addiction and the gap between recovery programs and the transition back to society, which is costing lives.

This is a prevalent and obviously noticeable gap in the fields of problematic substance use, but this gap also exists throughout cultures, in patterns of unhealed trauma and burnout that have become a veiled norm in today’s societies. In these conditions our program expands to offer relief to anyone feeling overbudened or hurt by the demands of life.

Our program is designed by a licensed therapist with over a decade of professional working experience with individuals and groups, in private practice, treatment centers, and recovery houses, wherein he has curated the most effective practices for integration and transition planning.

A Gentle Introduction to a Profound Mindset Shift

The 4C Framework addresses unmet needs to challenge destructive behaviours that are driven by fear and distress. The C's are strategically organized to build upon each other and raise awareness around one's needs. It combats the distrust of new behaviours through addition, rather than subtraction, creating a safe space for choice. 

The 4C Framework disrupts current views on addictions and mental health, it aims to invigorate existing programs, ultimately, saving lives by offering a wrap-around approach.

Through a systems approach that confronts harmful patterns and beliefs, the 4C Framework creates an individualized system of balance that offers lasting and stable change for ongoing healing.

The 4C Framework™: Compassion, Community, Connection, Consistency™

Within the 4C Framework, the 4C’s are the pillars of stability, they strategically build on each other to create an individualized system of balance that offers lasting and stable change.

The spirit of the 4C Framework is integration and transition planning, creating lasting change and sustained learning by inviting us to slow down and really listen to ourselves. Beyond setting goals, we build systems that support your progress, making mental wellness consistently accessible. The 4C Framework acts as a gentle introduction to a profound mindset shift.

Why do profound realizations evaporate when we get home, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and hollow?

How do you take the learnings from your recovery journey and introduce them to your daily life?

Change struggles to survive the demands and expectations of our home environments and habitual patterns.

The 4C Framework keeps change alive by supporting and empowering you to create a roadmap to impact who you want to be.

The 4C Framework is designed to be inclusive to all communities and complementary to other activities and programs (such as support recovery programs). The intention of the framework is to meet you where you are, it empowers you by asking you how you want to change and builds on what is meaningful and impactful to you.

Our mission is to heal the pain, shame, and stigma around addiction by creating a safe space to rediscover your inherent worth where you are genuinely seen, heard, and understood. 

Working with Bill...


Individual Program Syllabus*

  • Four 90-min sessions
  • Four 20-min coaching touchpoints, between sessions (optional)
Session Structure
  • Grounding
  • Intro/Reflection 
  • PsychoEducation 
    • Develop a deeper understanding of this C
  • Break
  • Transition Planning
    • Create a realistic action plan for practice this week, between sessions
    • Introduce After The Storm’s unique Exercises to further explore this C between sessions
  • Outro
Coaching Session 
  • Mid-week touchpoint, optional
  • Learn about each C in the 4C Framework and how they strategically build on each other to create a system of stability
  • Identify your own gaps, and your old patterns and behaviours
  • Explore what you need and practice building capacity in each C
  • Practice, reflect on, and adjust capacity-building activities
  • Develop your individualized 4C Framework system 
    • to support you to slow down and listen to yourself 
    • so you can make conscious choices aligned with who you want to be
    • instead of being hijacked by external systems (patterns, expectations, and demands)
  • Develop a roadmap for using the 4C Framework to integrate change and consciously impact who and how you want to be, in an ongoing way
  • Access an alumni community of support
How to Get the Most out of the Program
  • Take notes
  • Practice exercises between sessions
  • Share and reflect honestly
  • Be present and focused
  • You get out what you put in:
    • Based on a person-centered philosophy, your unique system is designed around you and your unique experiences and needs. The more you can teach us about you, your needs, what you respond to, etc., the stronger this program and your system will be. The more that you give, the more that we have to work with; in essence, you will get out of this program, what you put into it.
*Contact us to inquire about Facilitator Training

More About Our Philosophy

Many cutting-edge views of addiction are aligned with our belief that any addictive behaviour is aimed at finding a sense of safety after our coping and natural resiliency have been completely overwhelmed.

At the forefront of addiction models is the Biopsychosocial-Spiritual model of addiction, upon which our programs are built. This model affirms that there is not usually a single “cause” of addiction, rather addiction is a culmination of ways that one has been wounded in different, but critically connected, areas of life.

The transformative power of After the Storm is rooted in our client-first philosophy. Our programs are specifically and consciously aimed at hearing and understanding each client to acknowledge and celebrate who they are and to appreciate the exhaustion of how they’ve managed to cope thus far.

Building on clients’ coping and strengths, we want to support learning and changing in the ways that would be most useful to each individual. We never want our clients to feel alone. Theories of co-regulation and relational trauma posit that not much else can deeply wound humans as much as forced loneliness and shame, and much trauma stems from chaotically unstable environments with relationships that can’t be trusted. We want someone to know as soon as they call us, that we will be looking for ways to offer unwavering support and remain as close to them as they need us to be.

We ask clients to try to trust our staff to let us take care of them, to let our staff learn to understand clients, and for clients to explore what we could offer that would be most useful in supporting their change and recovery, and learning how to feel genuine joy.

Our team has extensive personal and professional experience with recovery, and it is led by Bill Arbuckle, who holds a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology. 

Sign Up & Build Your Individualized 4C Framework™:

Contact Form (#6)

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Call or email us any time for more information!

From our Facebook

🌿 Compassion: The Foundation of Healing 🌿 In the journey to recovery, compassion is our starting point. 🤍 In today's video, our Clinical Director, Bill, shares why approaching every step with empathy and understanding is crucial to lasting change. “Recovery is not just about overcoming challenges; it's about embracing ourselves with kindness and patience,” says Bill. When we lead with compassion, we create a safe space for healing and growth. 💚 Whether you’re supporting a loved one or embarking on your own recovery journey, remember: compassion is the key. It's where real transformation begins. Watch the video to learn more about why we always start with compassion at After the Storm. 🌱✨ #CompassionInRecovery #HealingJourney #AfterTheStormRecovery #StartWithCompassion #MentalHealthMatters #HealingWithKindness #HealingJourney ,#MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #mentalhealth #addiction #healing #selfcare #anxiety #wellness #depression #love #selflove #sober #sobriety #recoveryispossible #therapy #motivation #soberlife #mentalillness #ptsd #addictionrecovery #trauma #hope


Program Structure: Four 90-minute sessions, enhanced by 20-minute coaching touch points. Session Breakdown: Grounding & Reflection: Establish safety and openness PsychoEducation: Learn about each C in the 4C Framework and how they strategically build on each other to create a system of stability Transition Planning: Explore what you need and practice building capacity in each C - Develop a roadmap to integrate change and consciously impact who and how you want to be. Engagement Tips: your unique system is designed around you and your unique experiences and needs - the more you can teach us about you, the stronger your system can be. Make the most out of the program by practicing exercises, participating in feedback, and being fully present during sessions. Outcome: Develop your individualized 4C Framework system to support you to slow down and listen to yourself so you can make conscious choices aligned with what's important to you; integrate new ways of being into your daily life; and access a supportive alumni community. 🌟 Led by experts Bill and Morgan, this program is your path to recovery and sustainable mental health. #4CFramework #MentalHealthRecovery #HealingJourney #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #mentalhealth #addiction #healing #selfcare #anxiety #wellness #depression #love #selflove #sober #sobriety #recoveryispossible #therapy #motivation #soberlife #mentalillness #ptsd #addictionrecovery #trauma #hope

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